Robert G. Ingersoll once said: “In nature there are no rewards nor punishments. There are only consequences”.
Precise Brew is dedicated to this reasoning, always keeping in mind nature’s consequential chain, where every action has its own impact, every contribution marks its footprint.
The Age of the Holocene: What can I do?
The term Holocene refers to our current geological epoch, during which the human species has played the role of a dominant force in nature, resulting in climate change, biodiversity loss, the pollution of water and the atmosphere.
The culture of Sustainability takes into account three centers of transformation: treating the planet as a unique and non-renewable resource, shifting towards a human-centered economy, and struggling for social justice and equality.
Coffee is a hymn to the morning: it unites humanity in this cosmic awakening that transports us from the world of thoughts/imagination to the world of action. In this sense, it is almost a tool for teleportation between worlds.
The bad news is that coffee is not entirely environmentally innocent: non-recyclable packaging, single-use filters, and aluminum capsules that take ages to decompose- not a good look.
The good news is that you actually can enjoy your coffee sustainably, with Precise Brew Advanced Coffee Filtration, your ally in coffee-making and -drinking. It is a zero-waste brand that uses sustainable materials and technologies to minimize waste, from packaging to the production process. On top of that, it produces reusable filters that contribute to decreasing environmental impact.
Precise Brew is your Sustainable Coffee Friend
Sustainability in terms of economy, often referred to as sustainable economic development, is about creating a system that supports long-term economic growth without compromising the social, environmental and cultural aspects of society. Here are some key components:
1.Economic Growth
- Inclusive growth: Ensuring that economic benefits are widely shared across different sectors of society.
- Innovation and Efficiency: Promoting technological advancements and efficient resource use to drive economic growth.
2.Environmental Protection
- Resource Management: Using natural resources efficiently and responsibly to avoid depletion.
- Green Technologies: Investing in renewable energy and sustainable practices that reduce environmental impact.
3.Social Equity
- Fair Employment Practices: Creating job opportunities that offer fair wages and safe working conditions.
- Education and Training: Providing education and skills training to prepare the workforce for future challenges.
4.Cultural Sustainability:
- Preservation of Heritage: Ensuring that cultural heritage and practices are preserved and integrated into economic activities.
- Community Engagement: Involving local communities in decision-making processes to ensure their needs and values are respected.
The best part is- everyone can participate.
Is my daily coffee polluting the environment?
The stakes are environmentally high when it comes to producing and consuming coffee. Believe it or not, the consumption of various types of paper in Greece amounts to approximately 800,000 tons per year.
This number adds up to:
- 24 trunks of trees to produce one ton of paper.
Producing one ton of paper requires approximately 24 trees. Each tree provides around 40 cubic feet of wood, and one ton of paper needs about 960 cubic feet of wood. The specific number of trees can vary based on the type of tree and the production process.
- 280.000 – 440.000 liters of water (average 360.000 liters/ton of paper)
- 4.750 -7.600 KW/h (average 6.175KW/h)
- 280,000 tons of paper that are recycled in Greece (i.e. 35% of the paper we consume)
- 12 million acres of forest for the manufacturing of the paper
- 100 million cubic meters of water (the consumption of Attica for 100 days=more than 4M.people
- 1.5-2 billion kilowatt-hours (the energy consumed in a four-month period by 1 million homes)
Also, the whitening process of the filter requires a big amount of energy consumption and water and this operation utilizes detrimental bleaching agents, such as chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide and ozone.
In comparison to disposable coffee filter options, our Chemex reusable filter makes a real environmental difference. Instead of chattering, we let the numbers speak.
For example, Chemex brewing device paper filters mean:
- 1 package = 100 filters
- 347 packages = 34.700 filters
- 34.7k of filters are equivalent to 1 pallet of 1m³ volume
- 35 Precise Brew filters one by one of combo of 3 in a package may serve the same amount of coffee. The total quantity in single packages do not exceed the volume of 0.0032 m³.
Not persuaded yet?
How using a reusable coffee filter can make a change
- Sustainable Material Options: Precise Brew reusable filters are made from durable material, which can last for a year or 1000 uses with proper care.
As for the last part, your options are, in fact, endless. Depending on your coffee personality type, whether you’re of the highly active cold-brew or of the sophisticated, attention-to-detail kind, you can pick your filter coffee buddy that will -literally- last forever.
If, on the other hand, you want more flexibility with a filter that fits almost any coffee machine or you want to extract the full range of aromas and flavors from your coffee, we are with you.
Getting the Whole Coffee Experience
Sustainability does not need to be synonymous with environmental protection, which, however, comes in an aesthetically unpleasant package. If you want to participate in ethical consumption while maintaining the aesthetics and luxurious experience of the products you prefer, you have the option to choose from coffee machines that elevate your daily ritual.
Whether you’re a professional barista or a versatile camper, the Aeropress coffee maker that comes with the corresponding reusable filters works wonders. If it always smells like summer and sea, then maybe Toddy, the cold extraction coffee device, is right for you. For the lovers of the analytical nature that characterizes Asian culture, the precision Origami device was designed with similar care and attention.
In any case, you can find your ally in this irresistible habit of making and drinking coffee in the morning, while planning your schedule. “When we drink coffee, ideas march in like the army“, as the world’s biggest coffee enthusiast, Honoré de Balzac, has said. If you do it sustainably, who knows? You might also become a pioneer in the army of our planet’s change.